Moving, eating, moving….

I am trying to wrap up many different strands all together in one little blog. Eating, exercise and moving house. As I type I reals that house moving will have to be a post on its own, as there is too much to waffle on about there.

The weekend just gone I did my very first attempt at “brick” training. This is when you combine 2 (or more) activities one after another. This weekend I did a 15km ride followed by a 3.5km run. It went OK, and to be honest the main reason I stopped was because I got bored. It wasn’t a difficult ride, although I kept up the pace up around 30kph, but the run was slow. What is it about treadmills that make them so dull? I can’t run as fast or as far on treadmill. But I got to say that I’m pretty proud of myself for doing it. Also made me feel better as I was meant to meet a friend and do some cycling since the 100km is looming. (7th July for any lovely ladies out there who want to join) and we had called it off due to the atrocious winds and potential rain.

We decided to still meet up, but our big cycle around Richmond Park ended up looking like this:


We went for a substantial walk afterwards which lead us to talk about dim sum and dumplings, which then lead to Sunday looking very much like this:


After this I proceeded to fall into a food coma and do nothing for the rest of the day.

So this week I have been back to the moving, with cycling to work, a swim this morning (which was long, slow and arduous) and running home, and a spin class scheduled for tomorrow morning. This is a good thing as I have been finding it very difficult to get up in the mornings as the light at the end of the work tunnel comes ever closer. The closer it gets, the less I have the motivation to go through the movements. Socially I love being in London, my brain however has checked out of work and is currently in the arrivals lounge waiting for the real move to happen.

5 weeks left…. Hopefully that gives me 5 weeks to get up to scratch with my swimming!

About fattastic8

30 and starting university.... freshers, beans on toast and the hope of not being the "old one" in class. View all posts by fattastic8

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